Artists and crafters – don’t miss once a year VACMA funding from Creative Scotland.
Date: 26 September 2024
Time: 01:00

The Visual Artists and Craft Makers (VACMA) Award is now open for applications by Orkney artists, with a higher level of grant for experienced artists this year.
Supported by Creative Scotland through funding from the National Lottery in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Orkney Islands Council, the 2024-25 scheme offers two levels of bursaries:
Bursaries of £1k for applicants that have been practicing for over 5 years, regardless of whether they have gone through formal education or not.
Early-career bursaries of £500 for applicants that have less than 5 years’ experience outside of education/training, graduated in 2018 or later, or who have not studied art formally but have been practising as an artist for up to 5 years.
Funding can be used to support developmental research, skills training, equipment, studio work, exhibitions and mentoring. Applicants must live in or maintain a studio space in Orkney.
Potential applicants are reminded there is just one round for the grant this financial year which will close in early February 2025.
New to this year’s scheme, artists who are deaf, disabled, neurodivergent or living with chronic illness or with caring responsibilities and may have additional costs that relate to their access needs and practice can apply for Personal Access Costs, for themselves or collaborators.
The Council's Arts Officer, Emma Gee, said: “VACMA funding has helped enrich the Orkney arts scene for 11 years now, by supporting new and established artists to expand their horizons.
“February may seem a way off, but now is the time for creative folk to look more closely at the grant criteria, get in contact to chat through any ideas, and start developing an application.”
A total of £9k is available for distribution to local artists in 2024-25.
One local artist who has benefitted previously from the VACMA scheme is Donna Eunson, who applied for a grant to take part in a personalised one-to-one online mentorship and masterclasses with professional glass artists.
"The award has really helped me expand my knowledge and technical ability in kiln formed glass processes. I've developed more advanced techniques and gained some invaluable tricks of the trade, including the different avenues for sales which could help build a sustainable business.
“The whole experience has been extremely inspiring, technically and creatively and also personally - I've gained complete confidence in my ability to create gallery standard work.”
Find out more about Donna’s work on her social media channels at @donnaeunsonglass (Facebook and Instagram)
The deadline for applications to the VACMA scheme is 5pm, Tuesday 4 February 2025.
More information, application packs and case studies can be found on the Council website
Images: All pieces are kiln formed glass created over multiple firings and cold working, using Bullseye glass, powders and frit and incorporating enamel and silver foil elements.
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