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Are you a small business and with services to offer to the Council, but not sure how to go about it?

Date: 6 June 2018

Time: 04:48

Are you a small business and with services to offer to the Council, but not sure how to go about it?

Free business workshops are being held in Orkney next week to help small businesses polish up on their tendering skills when dealing with public sector bodies such as the Council.

The courses are being run by Business Gateway Orkney in conjunction with the Supplier Development Programme (SDP) – a joint initiative between local government, Scottish Government and other public bodies aimed at helping small and medium enterprises 'win work' with local government, Scottish Government and other public bodies.

The courses are also open to voluntary organisations.

Anyone interested is encouraged to give the Orkney Business Gateway team a call on 01856 898595 without delay.

More information is available at