Latest News
For press or media enquiries please contact the communications team by email.
Town alcohol byelaws reviewed
Following an obligatory 10-year review, Kirkwall's byelaws for the consumption of alcohol in public places have been updated to reflect the spread of the town in recent years.
16 December 2021
Occasional Licence - Julie Ritch - 28 Jan 2022
Orkney Islands Area Licensing Board has received an application for occasional licence from Julie Ritch.
2 December 2021
Reminder not to handle dead birds as Avian Influenza Prevention Zone put place for bird owners across Britain
The Council is issuing a reminder not to handle dead birds, as Chief Veterinary Officers from England, Scotland and Wales declare an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone across the whole of Great Britain.
4 November 2021
Short delays over coming days as festive lighting preparations continue
Orkney Islands Council is advising there may be short delays in the centre of Kirkwall, Stromness and St Margarets Hope over coming days as preparations for festive lighting continue.
2 November 2021
Sunday 31 October toilet closures
Members of the public are advised that Orkney’s public toilets will be closed for one day this Sunday.
These facilities can sadly become a target of vandalism on Halloween and therefore it is normal practice that on 31 October the facilities are closed to the public.
27 October 2021
Test for flood defences planned
The pre-winter deployment of coastal flood protection systems in Kirkwall, St Margaret’s Hope and Holm will be carried out during an exercise next week (16 and 17 September).
Within Kirkwall the various flood gates will be deployed in sections on Thursday 16 September from 9am. This will have a temporary impact on the Waterfront West-Shapinsay Slip carpark and the wider Kirkwall harbour area, but deployment will be carried out in sections to minimize disruption.
13 September 2021
Customer Services in Kirkwall closed on Friday afternoon
OIC's Customer Services reception desk at the council offices in School Place, Kirkwall will be closed for visits from the public this Friday 27 August from 1pm, to enable staff training to take place, with the team still contactable by phone between 2pm and 5pm.
23 August 2021
Notice of times for inspecting returns as to election expenses
I, John Weir Mundell OBE, Constituency Returning Officer for the above Election, in accordance with the Scottish Parliamentary Elections Order 2015 Articles 50 and 55, do hereby give notice, that the election expenses returns, declarations and all accompanying documents of candidates at the above election may be inspected between the hours of 10 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday, except public holidays, at Orkney Islands Council, Council Offices, School Place, Kirkwall, Orkney (Tel: 01856 873535) for a period of one year after receipt by me.
17 June 2021
Statutory Review of Electoral Arrangements
Boundaries Scotland, present our proposals for Orkney Islands Council area resulting from our Review of Electoral Arrangements under, and in accordance with, section 20 of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018.
4 June 2021