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VACMA: Diana Leslie

Date: 28 February 2020

Work by Diana Leslie.

For Acrylic Resist Etching training at Edinburgh Printmakers to gain insight into innovations in processes:

“Fundamentally I have ironed out conflicts between older ways of doing things and new ways. You can’t teach when you aren’t sure why things aren’t working right. I needed the expertise of specialists in my field. The award was essential to going away and doing the project. I couldn’t have afforded the travel, the course or the time without your support”.

  • Summary:

    For Acrylic Resist Etching training at Edinburgh Printmakers to gain insight into innovations in processes:

    “Fundamentally I have ironed out conflicts between older ways of doing things and new ways. You can’t teach when you aren’t sure why things aren’t working right. I needed the expertise of specialists in my field. The award was essential to going away and doing the project. I couldn’t have afforded the travel, the course or the time without your support”.

  • Category:
    Visual Arts and Craft Maker Awards

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