The A-Z of Services is a list of public services provided by Orkney Islands Council, alphabetically arranged and hyper-linked to the web page where the topic is discussed in greater detail. This is very similar to the way a traditional index, that is usually found to the rear of non-fiction books, works.
Menu Title starting with E
E Coli Information
Advice about E.coli O157 and how to avoid infection.
Early Learning and Childcare
Information on services relating to early learning and childcare in Orkney.
Eastbrae Development Brief
The Eastbrae, Stromness, Development Brief.
eBuilding Standards
Information about the online service for building standards applications - eBuilding Standards.
Education and Learning
Information and Services for Education and Learning.
Education is for All
Information from the Education is for All Handbook.
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
Education Maintenance Allowances (EMAs) - Financial support for young people.
Education of Children
Information on how to access reports and publications relating to the education of children.
Education Projects
The Creative Learning Network - aims to promote and facilitate creative learning in schools and support the creative curriculum.
Education, Leisure and Housing Structure
Education, Leisure and Housing management structure.
Educational Psychology Service
General information and contact details for the Educational Psychology Service.
Details about elections administered by Orkney Islands Council.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging
Information on electric vehicle charging in Orkney - including a handy map showing their locations.
Eligibility for Assessment Criteria
Information regarding the eligibility for assessment of needs.
Information on the wave and tidal regime in Orkney.
Emergency Planning
Information about Orkney Islands Council's Emergency Planning.
Employability Support
Information, advice and referrals for anyone seeking employment, education or training.
Employee Benefits
Information on employee benefits.
The 2013 Council Staff Survey.
Employment of Children
Information and guidance for the employment of children under 16 years old.
Empowering Communities
Details of Orkney Islands Council’s ‘Empowering Communities’ project, which aims to help support and develop fragile communities, through enabling greater responsibility for running Council services in their area.
Empty Homes
Information and options on empty homes in Orkney, including details on the Matchmaker Scheme and Sweat Equity.
Empty Homes Strategy Consultation
The Council's Empty Homes Strategy 2018-2023 has been developed alongside partner organisations as our strategic response to the private sector empty homes in Orkney.
Empty Properties and Second Homes
Find out more information about Council Tax on empty properties and second homes.
Supplementary Guidance: Energy.
Energy and Regeneration
A range of useful documents and reports relating to Energy and Regeneration and who to contact for Energy Advice.
Energy Efficiency in the Home
Information on current Government energy schemes and the advice available from Orkney Islands Council
Information on Planning Enforcement.
Enforcement Policy
Environmental Health and Trading Standards General Enforcement Policy.
Enterprise and Economic Growth
Information and support relating to Enterprise and Economic Growth within Orkney.
Enterprise Area Relief
Find out information about Enterprise Area Rates Relief.
Information about the procedures for applying for various types of entertainment licence.
Environmental Health
Information and advice on everything related to environmental health in Orkney including dog fouling, pollution, food safety and antisocial behavior.
Environmental Health and Trading Standards
Information on legislation enforced by the Council to safeguard public health and quality of life issues.
Environmental Health Emergencies
Details on whom to contact in case of environmental health emergencies in Orkney.
Equal Opportunities
Information on Equal Opportunities within Orkney Islands Council, including access to our Equal Opportunities Policy Statement.
Equalities Statement
Orkney Health and Care Equalities Outcomes and Monitoring Statement.
Equality Impact Assessments
Most of the policies and strategies prepared by the IJB include an appendix document known as an Equality Impact Assessment. This describes how officers have considered the Nine Protected Characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation) and, especially, how the new strategy or policy might affect someone with one of the Protected Characteristics.
The IJB also considers how a new policy or strategy will affect people who live in the ferry-linked isles. This is called an Island Community Impact Assessment.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where the public and our employees’ feel valued and respected. We believe that diversity in our workforce enriches our employees and enhances our ability serve the community
Equally Safe at Work
In January 2025, Orkney Islands Council joined the Equally Safe at Work accreditation programme. This is a big step towards making our workplace more equal and supportive for everyone.
Equipment Library
Details of sports equipment available for community use.
Event Safety
Information on Organising Safe Events.
Event Waste Management
Event Waste Management - waste management solutions tailored to your needs.
Events and Festivals
Information on local events and Festivals in Orkney.
Information for landlords regarding the eviction process.
Excluded Categories
Information for landlords regarding which categories of tenants are excluded from being assured tenants
Exotic, Dangerous and Wild Animals
Information on exotic, dangerous and wild animals in Orkney.