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  • Volunteer Orkney Children's Panel members needed

    Volunteer Orkney Children's Panel members needed

    Children’s Hearings Scotland is looking for enthusiastic people to join the Orkney team as volunteer Panel members.

    17 January 2022

  • Weightlifter Matthew’s Commonwealth Games recognition continues as he competes against Olympians and the GB squad!

    Weightlifter Matthew’s Commonwealth Games recognition continues as he competes against Olympians and the GB squad!

    The Council’s Matthew Byers is thought to be the first Orcadian to make a British Weightlifting Senior Championships when he competes at the event at the end of this month.

    The Derby-based competition is part and parcel of Matthew’s journey and bid to qualify for the Commonwealth Games.

    17 January 2022

  • Orkney Sport Awards to go ahead in-person

    Orkney Sport Awards to go ahead in-person

    The Orkney Sports Awards event is to go ahead in-person once again.

    To ensure all COVID-19 guidelines are adhered to, the event will not be open to the public but only to finalists and invited guests.

    14 January 2022

  • Islands’ Growth Deal

    Islands’ Growth Deal

    Mussel Farming, Sustainable Green Jobs, and Low Carbon Fuels all feature in latest Islands Growth Deal Business Cases.

    The Islands’ Growth Deal Joint Committee, which will oversee the Growth Deal, and which consists of two elected representatives from each of the island Councils, met at the close of 2021 and approved the submission of Outline Business Cases for a further four Islands Growth Deal projects to UK and Scottish Governments.

    14 January 2022

  • Road works in central Kirkwall – delays for motorists and changes to some bus services

    Road works in central Kirkwall – delays for motorists and changes to some bus services

    There will be potential delays and diversions for motorists over the coming weeks throughout central Kirkwall as engineering works including drainage investigation are undertaken by contractors in various locations on behalf of OIC.

    13 January 2022

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