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Orkney's Children's Panel needs you - find out what's involved

Date: 14 June 2024

Graphic with text - compassion, empathy, listening, trust

Keen to make a difference for Orkney’s children and young people? 

Children’s Hearings Scotland information sessions are coming up, the first of which will be run online on 21 June.

Children’s Hearings Scotland will be recruiting for volunteers across the country later this year, including in Orkney, to help support Scotland’s infants, children and young people by playing a part in children’s hearings, as Panel Members. 

Panel Members are volunteers from local communities who take part in children's hearings. 

Their role is to listen and make legal decisions with and for infants, children and young people who have been referred to the Children’s Panel. They aim to ensure the young person is at the heart of every decision made – because every decision, no matter how big or small, has an impact on the life of the child or young person in the hearing. Volunteers have access to a certified training programme with a highly experienced and supportive team.  

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer Panel Member but would like to know more, you are invited to sign up to an Information Session taking place via Teams on Friday 21 June 12.30pm–1.15pm. Current Panel Members and learning and support staff will be there to answer questions. To register interest, email by Wednesday 19 June. Further information sessions will be offered throughout the summer.  

For more information visit the Children's Hearings Scotland website, or email Orkney's dedicated clerk Annette Feeney.  

Please consider becoming a Panel Member – to help make a big difference in young lives in Orkney. 

  • Summary:

    Find out more about volunteering on Orkney's Children's Panel, and helping make sure children are heard during challenging times in their lives.

  • Category:
    • Community
    • Orkney Health and Care
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