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BT’s “Digital Voice” roadshow coming to Orkney

Date: 06 June 2024

Representatives from BT’s new home phone service, Digital Voice, are coming to Orkney in July as part of a national roadshow – and will be on hand to answer people’s questions around the digital switchover. 

The whole of the telecoms industry (not just BT) is upgrading to digital phone lines. Calls will be made over a broadband network, rather than the old analogue technology. 

Some parts of the analogue network are over 100 years old, and as a result, the technical fault rate is increasing year on year. The date for the switch from analogue technology has been moved from December 2025 to January 2027. 

You don’t have to pre-book, just turn up on the 23rd July between 14:30 and 18:00, 24th July between 10:00 and 14:00 at Orkney Library & Archive on Kirkwall’s Junction Road. 

The Council’s Graduate Trainee (Digital Engagement & Enterprise), Ewan Kennedy, said: “OIC staff attended the Isles Digital Forum last week where BT provided an update on the upgrade to digital phone lines. We were happy to learn that customers without broadband access will be offered a ‘pre-digital landline’ service, allowing customers to use their landline in the same way as they do today. 

“This service will be available from late 2024 until 2030 and will keep customers connected to their existing service until they’re able to move over to Digital Voice or an alternative. 

“The technology works in a similar way to the analogue technology but still allows BT to switch off the old analogue technology. New equipment installed at the local telephone exchange means no engineering visit is required and no change at the resident’s property. 

We would encourage folk to pop along to the Library and get answers to any queries they may have. Our main role as a Council is to try and raise awareness that it’s going to be happening and we’re trying to give the best information and advice we can to both the public and businesses on how best to be prepared for this.” 

You can find out more information here on the switch to digital services here: 

For more information visit 

  • Summary:

    Representatives from BT’s new home phone service, Digital Voice, are coming to Orkney in July as part of a national roadshow – and will be on hand to answer people’s questions around the digital switchover. 

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