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“Significant strengths” in the care provided by staff at the Gilbertson Day Centre, say Inspectors

Date: 06 June 2024

“Significant strengths” in the care provided by staff at the Gilbertson Day Centre, say Inspectors 


“Significant strengths” have been found in the care provided to people attending the Gilbertson Day Centre Support Service in Kirkwall, according to the Care Inspectorate. 

The unannounced inspection was carried out on the service, which provides daily care and support for physically and/or mentally frail older people, on 18 April 2024. 

The Inspector found that staff treated people with “genuine kindness and compassion”, and it was clear those attending benefited from positive relationships with a stable staff team – and this, in turn, meant that people felt included, listened to and valued. 

The environment was bright, welcoming and clean and activities were laid on considering people’s life history, interests and preferences. On the day of the inspection, attendees took part in the Parish Games with individuals visiting from the West Mainland Day Care Service. 

The inspector stated: “The day was a great success, people enjoyed games, lunch and presentation of prizes, afternoon tea and musical entertainment, some provided by people who attended the service. Attendees from each service had prepared sweet treats for afternoon tea. Staff had worked hard to organise the event and ensure there was plenty of fun and laughter. 

“People spoke positively about their time at the service and the support received from the staff team. They enjoyed the opportunity to socialise, the activities, and the quality of the food prepared in the adjacent St Rognvald’s care home.” 

The staff team have also been praised for the “very good” care being provided leading to positive outcomes for people using the service. Staff said they were well supported by their line manager. 

The Inspector found staff to be motivated and they spoke positively about their roles. 

The Inspector added: “Staff told us that staffing arrangements had been reviewed to promote an improved mealtime experience for people. Staff were patient and responsive to people's needs and wishes. One staff member told us that they enjoyed spending individual time with people who experience care. This promoted meaningful conversation, trusting relationships and a person-centred approach to care.” 

Key messages: 

  • People using the service told the Inspector they enjoyed attending.
  • People benefited from kind and compassionate support from a stable staff group. 
  • Feedback from people informed how the service was run. 
  • People enjoyed a range of community and centre-based activities linked to their preferences. 
  • Personal plans reflected people's needs and wishes.

The service was given an across the board “very good” evaluation in relation to supporting people’s wellbeing and the staff team. This was demonstrated by further “very good” ratings in treating those who use the service with compassion, dignity and respect, ensuring people get the most out of life, benefitting people’s health and wellbeing as a result of the care and support received from staff. 

Areas of improvement requested by the Care Inspectorate in 2017 have also been met in relation to improving people’s personal plans around their needs, wishes and goals. The environment itself has also improved and those using the service enjoy a welcoming, clean and comfortable space. 

Read the full report on the Care Inspectorate website: 






  • Summary:

    “Significant strengths” have been found in the care provided to people attending the Gilbertson Day Centre Support Service in Kirkwall, according to the Care Inspectorate. 

  • Category:
    Orkney Health and Care
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