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Road works update from 4 December 2023

Date: 01 December 2023

Time: 12:00

roadworks update

A summing up of road closures and delays due to road works and events - for week starting Monday 4 December 2023.

But first, a reminder we have a few more road closures over coming days for community tree lighting events:

  • In St Margaret’s Hope tonight Friday 1 December - from 6-8pm there will be a closure at Cromarty Square - X1 public bus will head to the pier via Church Road and Back Road for both directions during the closure.
  • In Kirkwall on Saturday 2 December - Between 4pm and 6:45pm will see closures in Albert Street, Broad Street, Castle Street; Palace Road, from Watergate to Broad Street; Victoria Street from Broad Street to Watergate; and a one way on Tankerness Lane. The No 9 Town Service and No 4 Airport bus will be affected during the closures - Kirkwall Travel Centre is your best bet to pick up the bus if in Kirkwall.

Read more about the tree lighting events themselves, here

Road works summary:

A961 Churchill Barriers

Work to replace fence posts on the barriers have started and are expected to take a few weeks to complete. Traffic will be controlled with priority signage and speed reduction measures with delays to traffic and the X1 (Stromness to St Margaret’s Hope) bus service. Works involve all four Churchill Barriers and where possible works are taking place outwith school transport times.

A965, B9055 (Brodgar Road) to Stenness Village

Areas of carriageway repair are planned to start during week commencing 11 December 2023. Traffic will be controlled by temporary traffic lights with some delays to traffic including the X1 (Stromness to Kirkwall) bus service.

A966 Gorseness Road (Tingwall end) to Woodwick Road

Works to repair areas of carriageway are underway and expected to take approximately four weeks to complete. Temporary traffic signals will be in place with some delays to traffic including the No 6 (Tingwall / Birsay) bus service.

B9050 Deerness

Work to replace the existing streetlights on the B9050 within the 40mph speed limit area started on 1 November 2023 and expected to finish by Friday 8 December. Traffic is currently being controlled under priority signage but there may be times when temporary traffic signals may be used. Some delays to traffic and the No 3 (Deerness) bus service.

Laing Street, Kirkwall

Laing Street will be closed daily between 07:30 and 17:00 from Monday 6 November 2023 to 22 December to enable building works on the Old Library to be carried out. Residents should present their recycling / waste bins as normal for collection.

Festive Lighting Installation - various locations

A reminder work related to installing, repairing and removing festive lighting  in Kirkwall, St Margaret’s Hope and Stromness will be underway over coming months, with each area expected to be completed within one day or within the hours stated for Broad Street, Kirkwall below.

  • Cromarty Square, St Margaret’s Hope, to be carried out during the working day under road closure conditions avoiding school times, bus and ferry services.
  • Victoria Street and Graham Place, Stromness, work will take place during the working day where there will be numerous short duration road closures.
  • Broad Street, Kirkwall, work is planned to take place between 18:00 and 22:00 under road closure conditions, access will be maintained for the No 4 bus services (Airport) with some minor delays.
  • Albert Street and Bridge Street, Kirkwall, work will be carried out during the working day under road closure conditions.
  • Main Street and Victoria Street, Kirkwall, Work will be carried out during the working day under road closure conditions.
    Various locations (traffic counters)

A960, St Andrews and Toab 

Scottish Water works are still ongoing but will be mainly off A960 and in fields during the next week or so. There may also be the closure of the Biggings Road, Toab, next week to enable a new water main to be laid. 

Looking Ahead:

  • A964 bends at Scapa Distillery and Smoogro Road to Orphir Village (carriageway reconstruction) - planned to start during January 2024

Looking further ahead:

  • A966 Evie, near Evie Telephone Exchange – Drainage Maintenance - dates to be confirmed.
  • Summary:

    A summing up of road closures and delays due to road works and events - for week starting Monday 4 December 2023.

  • Category:
    • Transport
    • Roads, Lighting and Parking
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