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Show time amenity site arrangements

Date: 07 August 2023

Dounby Show Day - Given Dounby Show on Thursday is a local holiday for many, the amenity sites at Hatston, Garson, Bossack, St Margaret’s Hope and Cursiter will be closed. Chinglebraes will be open as kerbside collections will be carried out as normal.

Anna Gibb and Mark Vincent from Waste and Recycling will be there to promote the Green Johanna Hot composter for food and garden waste. Pop along if you want to find out more.

Apologies for any inconvenience the closures may have, but let’s hope the sun shines and there’s a good turnout for the West Mainland event.

County Show Day – Hatston, Garson and St Margaret’s Hope amenity sites will be open as normal on Saturday and Sunday.

  • Summary:

    Dounby Show Day - Given Dounby Show on Thursday is a local holiday for many, the amenity sites at Hatston, Garson, Bossack, St Margaret’s Hope and Cursiter will be closed. Chinglebraes will be open as kerbside collections will be carried out as normal.

    Anna Gibb and Mark Vincent from Waste and Recycling will be there to promote the Green Johanna Hot composter for food and garden waste. Pop along if you want to find out more.

  • Category:
    • Roads, Lighting and Parking
    • Service Disruptions
    • Events
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