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Encouraging feedback from funders for proposed sporting facility

Date: 21 February 2022

Orkney Islands Council's Sports and Leisure team have started the sprint to line up funding for a new sporting facility to boost year-round provision in the lead up to the 2025 Island Games and beyond.

Councillors at the recent Education, Leisure and Housing Committee (16 February) gave the green light for officers to work up detailed costings for the creation of a new covered synthetic pitch and interconnecting gymnastics hall, following encouraging feedback from potential funders including sportscotland and the Scottish Governments National Islands Plan.

The proposed facility would support year-round sporting opportunities for Orkney's clubs and to help foster growth sports in the county such as gymnastics, especially among young people.

Members heard that sportscotland has indicated a minimum capital investment of £500,000 towards the project, which has the potential to benefit a wide range of sporting clubs but also the wider community.

Additionally, Scottish Government officials tasked with delivering the 'National Islands Plan' have indicated a maximum capital investment of £500,000 towards the project, with possibility for the project to attract further government funding.

An appraisal of possible locations for the new facility would be part of more detailed proposals provided to Councillors in due course, but locations such as the Pickaquoy Centre and KGS are on the table.

Following the meeting, OIC's Leisure and Culture Service Manager, Garry Burton, said: "As a Council our focus is on ensuring the facilities we develop will significantly improve the quality of life of people and communities in Orkney.

“This is an aim shared by sportscotland, with whom we've enjoyed a strong strategic partnership since 2004.

"The facility we're proposing will boost availability of all weather pitches year round, helping people pursue the sports and activities they love right through the winter, supporting people's mental and physical health. It has been an aspiration within our Orkney Islands Sports Facilities Strategy since 2017.

"We know from discussions with local sporting groups that there is huge pressure on existing all weather pitches, and we know gymnastics is a promising growth sport with a challenging waiting list.

"The next steps are to work out costings and seek formal offers of external funding - and bring this information back to Councillors in a formal capital project bid, as a project such as this will likely involve some investment too from the Council's own funds."

Chair of the Council's ELH Committee, Gwenda Shearer, said: "We are extremely grateful to sportscotland and the Scottish Government for their positive dialogue with our sport and leisure team on this project.

"The feedback to date on this proposal is very encouraging and bodes well for aims to have these quality facilities in place for the leadup to the 2025 International Island Games.

"The proposed facility would not only help our athletes as they prepare for this important event, but also help clubs leverage the interest in sports that the Island Games will generate - thereby supporting the ongoing development and growth of sport and activity levels in Orkney. I look forward to seeing the proposals develop."

  • Summary:

    Orkney Islands Council's Sports and Leisure team have started the sprint to line up funding for a new sporting facility to boost year-round provision in the lead up to the 2025 Island Games and beyond.

  • Category:
    Leisure and Culture
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