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Shirley Miller - A Career in Care

Date: 16 February 2022

Shirley Miller

Orkney College has launched a brand new course for people interested in exploring a career in social care.

‘Introduction to a Career in Social Care’ is a 6 week online course, aimed at people aged 16 and over who are interested in working in social care including senior phase pupils, people who are unemployed, under threat of unemployment or considering a change in career.

A career in care is a rewarding one - and offers significant opportunities for progression.

Here's Shirley's story....

Shirley Miller, Manager of St Rognvalds Care Home, has worked in care for almost thirty years  - and says every day has made her smile.

"I started in St Rognvalds almost 30 years ago, on 15 June 1992.

"On my first day I was a relief domestic, and on my second day a relief carer.

"By the end of that second day I knew this is what I wanted to do - I absolutely loved being a carer.

“I am still so happy at the end of a shift - you're trying to make the people you care for as happy and comfortable as possible, but also to have a laugh with them.

“You get a huge sense of fulfilment from having made someone's day better.

“There are of course hard times too - when people become ill and are in palliative care you are supporting them and also the supporting the family. It's a huge privilege. Losing that person can really affect the staff, but we support each other through it.

Shirley says at first she had no intentions of ‘moving up the ladder’: “My middle child had just gone away to university and I thought, ‘oh well, this will be a few extra pennies’.”

But as she moved into part time and then full contracts, Shirley found she wanted to learn more and take on more responsibility. After a few years as acting senior carer, then senior carer, she became Unit Lead working directly under the care home manager - getting involved in rotas, recruitment and running the home in the absence of the manager.

"I had also been studying, taking my SVQ3 at Orkney College, during which I was so well supported by Orkney College and my managers..

"Then in 2015 the then manager retired - by then I had also completed my SVQ4 through Highland College and my PDA in Care Services Management - So I went for the Manager post - and got it."

Shirley says for people who have a vocation for care, the personal and professional rewards are immense: “You do get so much out of it. It's definitely not 'just a job'.

Asked what an average day in care is like, she says: “Every day is so different, you never get bored in a care career. You could be involved in all the basics - administering medication, helping people dress, doing activities with folk - as well as supporting residents, families and colleagues, or undertaking training. The variety keeps things fresh.”

Shirley says a career in care offers opportunities to challenge yourself - staff are actively encourage by Orkney Health and Care to undertake training and study, benefitting the individual staff and the people they care for: “If you’re going for your qualifications you are keeping up to date with latest legislation and care practices - it makes staff more confident in their role. And it upskills staff, equips them for future roles and opportunities. It boosts your confidence and makes you better at your job.

“All carers re required now to complete a SVQ2 within five years (recently extended from 3 years) - and it can be completed here at Orkney College. Although it's been years since I was at Orkney College,  in my current role I get to support students and give them feedback - and I can absolutely see the support the College is giving. Taking on study can seem daunting, but the training and assessments are designed in a way to make sure you have plenty of time to absorb what you are learning at College and put in it into practice at work.

“And if you want to go further than your SVQ2, there is scope for you to do that. OHAC supports you all the way through and training is actively offered and encouraged. And it can all be completed without leaving Orkney.

“The career path is definitely there for you to follow. We're always needing young staff to join the service and come through the training levels. For someone entering in their 20's it'd take them no time at all to start moving up the ladder if caring is something they truly enjoy and are a good match for.”

Has Shirley's story inspired you? - check out all the course details here -  SCQF Level 5 Introduction to a Career in Social Care - Certificate (

  • Summary:

    Orkney College has launched a brand new course for people interested in exploring a career in social care.

    ‘Introduction to a Career in Social Care’ is a 6 week online course, aimed at people aged 16 and over who are interested in working in social care including senior phase pupils, people who are unemployed, under threat of unemployment or considering a change in career.

    A career in care is a rewarding one - and offers significant opportunities for progression. Here's Shirley Miller's story....

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