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Papdale Primary School £6k donation from Cooke Aquaculture Scotland

Date: 04 February 2022

Papdale School presentatiopn of books by Cooke Aquaculture

P1 Bothy youngsters at Papdale Primary School, pictured, are benefiting from a new set of phonics-based reading books generous donation of £6k from Cooke Aquaculture Scotland.

Head Teacher Wendy Bowen said: “We never for one moment expected the full cost of purchasing a full set of phonics-based reading books to be met by Cooke Aquaculture’s community benefit fund. We were absolutely thrilled when we realised and very grateful to the company for their generous donation. Having resources such as these allow us to help give out youngest pupils the best start in their literary journey and it could not be more timely, in that it is National Storytelling Week from 29 January to 5 February, with a theme Your Story – My Story.”

Robert Peterson, Orkney Area Manager for Cooke Aquaculture Scotland said: “As a family-owned company we care about supporting the communities we live and work in. Cooke Aquaculture’s community benefit fund exists to support local organisations and events throughout Orkney and we were thrilled to fully fund Papdale Primary School’s request for new phonics books, which will support the learning and literacy needs of some of the youngest pupils in our community at such a crucial stage of their education.

 “We are just pleased to be in a position to be able to help and make a difference.”

  • Summary:

    P1 Bothy youngsters at Papdale Primary School, pictured, are benefiting from a new set of phonics-based reading books generous donation of £6k from Cooke Aquaculture Scotland.

  • Category:
    • Education
    • Charity
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