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Helen Inkster takes over as new Orkney Ferries manager

Date: 31 January 2022

Helen Inkster

Helen Inkster is the new Ferry Services Manager for Orkney Ferries, running the fleet of nine inter-island ferries serving 13 isles, carrying over 82,000 vehicles and undertaking around 320,000 passenger journeys annually.

Familiarisation of the wide variation of services to a number of diverse communities is one of her top priorities.

“This will allow me to fully understand the needs and constraints of the service,” she said, “which, as many of us are more than aware, is facing a number of challenges – the aging fleet being the most significant.

“Modernisation is key to the success of the company moving forward but, in the meantime, we need to ensure the heritage fleet remains in service. The age of the vessels is a continuing burden to bear – the crews and technical teams should be commended for their dedication in keeping them in operation.”

Helen has been in post two months now and change is beginning to happen.

“We have already achieved the introduction of home/hybrid working options for all staff which was important given the fluid situation surrounding Covid and isolation rules. The online booking system is on target for roll out with the final amendments and legislation being put in place.

We are also modernising our internal systems with an electronic planned maintenance system in development for vessel and shore use, as well as looking into a website overhaul which I hope will be easier and beneficial to all customers both locally and visiting.

“Change does not happen overnight, and these significant alterations add workload on to the teams while we continue to carry out day to day operations, but we are all looking forward to seeing the changes make a difference to everyone.”

Communication and engagement with communities will continue as has always been done, the new manager assured.

“I will continue to keep in touch with island community councils and welcome feedback on any aspect of the service communities would like to raise. Communities are consulted on the timetables in advance of confirmation each season and feedback on these is collated and considered. Discussions also take place at the Inter-Isles Ferry Services Consultative Forum where all community councils are invited to attend. All requests are considered and if possible, changes are made but limiting factors such as crew hours, vessels speeds/capacity and the routes required mean not all timetable amendments can be granted but we do what we can within the limits.”

Helen grew up in Orkney so she is more than aware of the challenges posed by island living.

“I do like a challenge, but I also relish progress, and this is something myself and the teams here are striving for.”

Key aspirations moving forward?

“I hope to build the teams and work together to improve services where possible, as well as improving the customer experience.”

  • Summary:

    Helen Inkster is the new Ferry Services Manager for Orkney Ferries, running the fleet of nine inter-island ferries serving 13 isles, carrying over 82,000 vehicles and undertaking around 320,000 passenger journeys annually.

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