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Scapa Flow wartime history to be remembered as plans for a new Harbours storage building progress

Date: 26 January 2022

Sketch of Proposed Site Layout - HMS Royal Oak and Scapa Flow Memorial Building

Plans for a purpose-built storage area for the Harbour Authority, incorporating a modern, up-to-date display and exhibition area for HMS Royal Oak and Scapa Flow and memorial garden moved a step forward this week.

Councillors at the OIC Harbour Authority Sub-committee gave the £500,000 proposal their support, recommending that a stage 2 capital project appraisal be submitted to the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee.

Members heard that in developing the project, Marine Services worked alongside other Council services, the HMS Royal Oak Association and the Royal Navy, with very positive comments and reactions and it is intended that this collaborative approach be maintained as the project progresses.

Jim Buck, Head of Marines Services and Transportation and Harbour Master, said: “The existing building which contains a storage area used by the Harbour Authority and a display for HMS Royal Oak is well over forty years old and has design features that cause problems with efficient roof drainage which in turn causes issues with the wooden structure. In effect the existing building is coming, fairly rapidly, to the end of its useful and economic life.

“The majority of the existing building is used by the Harbour Authority for the storage of essential equipment and items used by Counter Pollution and Marine Environmental staff. The remainder is a display area for HMS Royal Oak which we propose would be extended to include the history of Scapa Flow. The site is fully owned by the Council and is effectively split between the General Fund, held under Education, Leisure and Housing, and the Harbour Account. Subject to approval, it is proposed that the whole site, including the existing building, is transferred to the Harbour Account to allow this project to proceed.

“The building will be on the same site as the existing premises at Scapa and benefit from a newly laid out and landscaped memorial garden in order that certain areas can be used for benches and plaques, keeping an area towards Scapa beach where public events/services could be held.”

Sub-committee, Vice-chairman Councillor Andrew Drever said: “This is an example of collaboration working at its best to ensure a project meets the expectations of all who are involved.”

An application to Crown Estate Scotland under their Local Partnerships – Capital Investment Fund has been made for the full capital cost of this proposal. The result of this initial application is due in March 2022. If the Crown Estate Scotland application is successful, there will be a revenue requirement to effectively pay back the amount over a fixed time period, to be determined in the next stage of Crown Estate Scotland funding application/system, but likely to be around ten years.

In providing a letter of support for the Crown Estate Scotland funding application, the Royal Navy have stated they would support an application for funding to the relevant benevolent funds for funding towards the display/exhibition area.

  • Summary:

    Plans for a purpose-built storage area for the Harbour Authority, incorporating a modern, up-to-date display and exhibition area for HMS Royal Oak and Scapa Flow and memorial garden moved a step forward this week.

    Councillors at the OIC Harbour Authority Sub-committee gave the £500,000 proposal their support, recommending that a stage 2 capital project appraisal be submitted to the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee.

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