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Weightlifter Matthew’s Commonwealth Games recognition continues as he competes against Olympians and the GB squad!

Date: 17 January 2022

Matthew Byers

The Council’s Matthew Byers is thought to be the first Orcadian to make a British Weightlifting Senior Championships when he competes at the event at the end of this month.

The Derby-based competition is part and parcel of Matthew’s journey and bid to qualify for the Commonwealth Games.

Matthew, who is Pools Team Leader – Stromness Swimming Pool, will be lifting with Olympians and the GB squad!

He explained what’s behind a number of exciting developments.

“Bear with me as the rankings and selection process is complicated – but as of the latest Commonwealth rankings I’m 24/25 in my weight class across the whole Commonwealth, which is quite exciting as that’s the first time I’ve ever managed to make it onto any of the official Commonwealth ranking tables.

“I have the British Championships in Derby, at the end of this month (29 and 30 of Jan, I’ll lift on the 30), which is the last chance to actually post a total which can be used to qualify me for the Games. I’m hoping to improve on my current best total, which will improve my rankings in the Commonwealth and domestically – it’s still all about trying to progress things at a consistent rate.

“It’ll be the first time I’ve ever competed at a British Championships, this year it’s been an invitation only event with the best athlete in each weight class per home nation being invited (I’ve been invited as I’m the top -109kg lifter in Scotland) along with some others based on overall rankings.

“Whilst I’m not confident that I’m in with a great shout of actually being selected for the Games, I’m happy to be progressing enough to actually be involved in the process of it all, and getting to be the first Orcadian to make British Senior Championships is awesome too.

“I’ll be lifting alongside some very high-level athletes, all of the GB squad, some Olympians and even an Olympic Medallist will be there. Definitely a bit nervous as well, training had been going well up until just before Christmas when I caught Covid which really put a spanner in the works (I had planned to train right through). Getting back to the type of training needed to prepare for a big competition after a lay off is a bit nerve racking.”

Let’s wish Matthew all the best as he continues to raise the bar!

  • Summary:

    The Council’s Matthew Byers is thought to be the first Orcadian to make a British Weightlifting Senior Championships when he competes at the event at the end of this month.

    The Derby-based competition is part and parcel of Matthew’s journey and bid to qualify for the Commonwealth Games.

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