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Adele picks up the pace for cancer charity

Date: 11 January 2022

Adele Watt

A member of the Council’s Development and Infrastructure team has stepped up her charity fundraising in 2022 – moving from a walking to a running challenge.

Adele Watt, an Administrative Assistant with D&I, has picked up the pace with her latest fundraiser – the “Maggie’s Run 50 Miles in January” effort.

Maggie’s Centres – of which there are now 23 in the UK and three overseas – provide free practical support for people living with cancer, and their family and friends.

Adele, 24, decided to get her running shoes on to kickstart the year with a challenge.

“In March 2019 I raised money for CLAN by walking 10,000 Steps every day during the month. It was an easier challenge for me but came at the wrong time as we went into lockdown half-way through, and I was only allowed out of the house once a day for exercise. Lockdown also made it much harder to raise money with all the uncertainty. This year I decided to up my game and try running 50 miles in January.

“I have never run properly in my life, so this has been a challenge. I can’t run very well so will be very slow going but it’s a good challenge for a good cause. I have known a few people throughout my life who have had cancer most of whom, thankfully, have made full recoveries.”

Adele has completed 15 miles so far and is confident she will meet the target by the end of the month – each and every donation received is willing her on.

“I have raised £420 currently just from family, friends and colleagues which has given me a huge boost. Every donation really will make a massive difference.”

You can donate on the Facebook fundraiser page.

Adele has worked for the Council for four and a half years  - three and a half of those as an admin assistant within D&I.

She provides administrative support to the various services and functions within D&I, such as payroll for Environmental Services - Facilities and Airfields, processing of energy bills, invoicing, maintaining holiday and sickness records amongst many other duties.

Lindsey McAdie, Operational Support Manager, D&I said the charitable spirit of Adele is commendable and especially in January when it is dark, cold, windy and wet.

“This charity is close to Adele’s heart and I fully support her in her endeavour and have no doubt she will complete the task. Over the years D&I staff have raised quite a lot of money for various local charities before COVID arrived. I would certainly hope to go back to fundraising once this pandemic is over.”

  • Summary:

    A member of the Council’s Development and Infrastructure team has stepped up her charity fundraising in 2022 – moving from a walking to a running challenge.

    Adele Watt, an Administrative Assistant with D&I, has picked up the pace with her latest fundraiser – the “Maggie’s Run 50 Miles in January” effort.

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