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Willow Tree Nursery closed after all staff contact traced

Date: 22 December 2021

Willow Tree Nursery Logo

The Willow Tree Nursery will be closed today, Wednesday and tomorrow, Thursday, as a result of all staff having been contact traced.

Parents were notified of the closure on Tuesday evening and advised of the latest Scottish Government guidance in relation to COVID-19 and a reminder to stay vigilant for symptoms of the virus.

All new testing procedures are outlined on the NHS Orkney website.

The facility will remain closed as planned over the festive period, reopening on Wednesday 5 January.

We apologise for the unfortunate short notice due to circumstances outwith our control.

  • Summary:

    The Willow Tree Nursery will be closed today, Wednesday and tomorrow, Thursday, as a result of all staff having been contact traced.

    Parents were notified of the closure on Tuesday evening and advised of the latest Scottish Government guidance in relation to COVID-19 and a reminder to stay vigilant for symptoms of the virus.

  • Category:
    • Covid-19
    • Education
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