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  • UPDATED - Register of Electors Reminders Out - Take Action Now

    Reminder forms have been sent to local households this week for folk who are yet to update or verify their details on the electoral register.

    15 September 2023

  • Nominate individuals or teams for an award and let them know that you think they are VIPs

    Nominate individuals or teams for an award and let them know that you think they are VIPs

    Orkney Islands Council is calling on members of the local community and visitors to help shine the spotlight on OIC employees or teams who have made a difference. 

    Local people – including social care residents, school pupils, museum and library visitors, friends, family and employees – are all encouraged to nominate their VIPs for the new VIP Awards scheme. 

    05 September 2023

  • Ballot papers due for South Ronaldsay and Burray Election

    A recent rallying call to action by the Council for local folk to step up to form a Community Council in South Ronaldsay and Burray has seen ten willing candidates put their name forward - meaning a ballot will now take place, with ballot papers due to hit households this week.

    23 August 2023

  • Don’t lose your vote – Orkney residents are urged to check details

    Orkney residents are being urged to check their electoral registration details or risk losing their chance to vote on decisions that affect them.

    The Electoral Registration Officer will be getting in touch with every household in the county to check that the electoral register is up to date, and to identify any residents who should be registered but are currently missing.

    Robert Eunson, Electoral Registration Officer for Orkney and Shetland, said: “Keep an eye out for important updates from our Electoral Registration Office. The annual canvass is our way of making sure that the information on the electoral register for every address is accurate and up to date. To make sure you don’t lose your say at upcoming elections, simply follow the instructions sent to you.

    07 August 2023

  • Eight would be great for South Ronaldsay and Burray community council

    Eight would be great for South Ronaldsay and Burray community council

    The search is on again for eight people from South Ronaldsay and Burray to represent their linked south isles communities by standing for election as Community Councillors.

    05 July 2023

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