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  • Tomb of the Eagles survey reminder

    A reminder for local people with an interest in the Tomb of the Eagles site to take part in a survey.

    09 June 2023

  • Fae Quoy tae Castle, twenty years on

    Fae Quoy tae Castle, twenty years on

    The buildings of Westray - an Orkney island’s snapshot in time

    A “herculean” volunteer effort by a number of folk in Westray has led to the publication of an updated second edition of Fae Quoy tae Castle, twenty years on - a book recording the island’s built heritage over the past two decades.

    The first edition – Fae Quoy tae Castle – was published in 2002 thanks to the Westray Buildings Preservation Trust (WBPT) as a snapshot of the island’s dwellings houses and properties around the time of the millennium.

    05 June 2023

  • Kirsteen helps design a strong future for Creative Orkney

    Kirsteen helps design a strong future for Creative Orkney

    Orkney fashion designer, Kirsteen Stewart, is bringing her expertise and experience in the creative industries to a new part-time role as project manager for Creative Orkney.

    Kirsteen’s key focus will be on supporting and boosting the membership of Creative Orkney, which draws together traditional and contemporary professional craft makers from throughout the islands.

    The project manager’s post was previously held by Edgar Balfour, who is now focusing solely on his work with Orkney Food and Drink.

    02 June 2023

  • Orkney Museum exhibition – ‘Dowsing at Brodgar’

    Orkney Museum exhibition – ‘Dowsing at Brodgar’

    A set of dowsing rods and the fantastic archaeological surroundings at Brodgar were the inspiration behind an art exhibition to take place at Orkney Museum this summer.

    Local artist Samantha Gray is presenting her works under the title ‘Dowsing at Brodgar’ from June to September in Room 1 at the museum on Broad Street in Kirkwall. It was particularly important to Samantha to display her work there, partly due to her inspiration, and also as she is a Visitor Assistant at the museum during the summer.

    30 May 2023

  • Scapa Flow Museum partnership with National Museum of the Royal Navy will highlight unique naval heritage

    Scapa Flow Museum partnership with National Museum of the Royal Navy will highlight unique naval heritage

    Orkney Islands Council (OIC) and the National Museum of the Royal Navy have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to share experience and expertise in developing the awareness and understanding of naval heritage.

    26 May 2023

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