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  • Orkney to pilot Scotland-wide deposit return scheme

    Orkney is due to lead the way on a ground-breaking Scotland-wide recycling scheme next year.

    20 December 2021

  • Islands Approve First three Growth Deal Business Cases

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Orkney and Shetland Islands Councils have taken a significant step forward in joint working on the Islands Growth Deal, which aims to draw down £100m in UK and Scottish Government funding over the next decade, and to lever in over £200m in match funding to the islands.

    08 November 2021

  • Dear COP - from Orkney

    Dear COP

    Against the backdrop of the COP26 discussions in Glasgow, everyone’s talking about climate change.

    02 November 2021

  • The Phoenix Cinema shows free films on climate change during COP26

    As Glasgow hosts the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), The Phoenix Cinema has teamed up with Orkney Islands Council and Take One Action Orkney to show three films exploring issues around climate and community.

    30 October 2021

  • Orkney showcased at Arctic Circle conference

    Orkney showcased at Arctic Circle conference

    Scapa Flow's potential as an Arctic gateway harbour is high on the agenda following an Orkney appearance at the Arctic Circle Assembly last week in Iceland.

    26 October 2021

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